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DOTS Incorporated é um manual de 14 páginas que explora o tema do hacking de paisagem através de um banco de dados construído usando escaneamento 3D.

Softwares e hardware de kinect foram usados para escanear ambientes internos e explorar espaços vazios entre o caos urbano da cidade

Belo Horizonte e seus arredores, fazendo uso do banco de dados de malha 3D e ampliando-o através de softwares de realidade aumentada.

O processo de exploração, gera imagens que representam a fusão de um espaço digitalmente inserido em um espaço físico vazio.

DOTS Incorporated is a 14 page manual that explores the theme of landscape hacking through a database built using 3D scanning

softwares and kinect hardware to scan interior environments, and exploring empty terrain spaces between the urban chaos of the city

of Belo Horizonte and its surroundings, making use of the 3D mesh database and augumenting it through cellphone softwares through

out the exploration process, generating pictures that represent the fusion of a digitally rendered space inserted into an empty physical space. 



This project was made for the HOLD - Scan exhibition, released through a PDF file.


link to full exhibition : here


download full manual: here


“Intelligence without risk is an empty thought, as is an intelligence whose realization takes no time. Risk and time are the presuppositions for the history of intelligence in which nothing is given in advance and nothing is completed as the totality of that history.”
― Reza Negarestani, Intelligence and Spirit

All works and 
Design by Felipe Filgueiras, 2022

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